What are loops?
In computer programming, a loop is a control flow statement
that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition.
There are several loops, including loops, while loops, and
do-while loops. These control structures enable a programmer to efficiently
write code that can iterate over a range of values, perform a certain number of
iterations, or continue executing until a certain condition is met. Loops are a
fundamental building block in many programming languages and are used in a wide
range of applications.
How do we use loops in programming?
Loops are used in programming to perform a set of
instructions repeatedly until a specific condition is met. The basic structure
of a loop includes a control statement that defines the condition for the loop
to continue executing and a block of code that is executed each time the loop
For example, a for loop is used to iterate over a range of values.
It has three parts: an initialization statement, a termination condition, and an
increment/decrement statement. The initialization statement initializes the
loop variable, and the termination condition is checked every iteration, if true
the loop will stop, otherwise, the loop will execute the block of code and then
increment/decrement the loop variable.
example code:
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
// code to be executed
A while loop is used repeatedly to execute a block of code
as long as a certain condition is true. The loop will continue executing as
long as the condition is true, and will exit once the condition is false.
Example code:
while (condition) {
// code to be executed
A do-while loop is similar to a while loop, but the block of
code is executed at least once before the condition is checked.
example code:
do {
// code to be executed
} while (condition);
In addition to these basic loops, many programming languages
also provide more advanced looping constructs, such as for each loop, which is
used to iterate over the elements of a collection, and nested loops, which
allow to execution of a loop inside another loop.
Overall, loops are a powerful tool for controlling the flow
of execution in a program and are used to perform repetitive tasks, search
through data, or generate patterns and sequences.
Types of loops:
There are several types of loops in programming, including:
- for loops, which iterate a certain number of times
- while loops, continue to execute as long as a certain condition is met
- do-while loops, which are similar to while loops but always execute at least once
- nested loops, which involve a loop inside another loop.
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