What are procedures and How we use procedures.
What are procedures in programming?
Procedures, also known as subroutines or functions, are blocks of code in a program that perform a specific task. They are designed to be reusable, so that the same task can be performed multiple times without having to write the same code over and over again. Procedures can take input, called arguments, and they can also return output, called a return value. They are commonly used to organise and modularise code, making it easier to read, understand, and maintain.
Types of procedures:
There are several types of procedures in programming, including:
1. Subroutines: Also known as "procedures," these are blocks of code that perform a specific task and do not return a value.
2. Functions: Similar to subroutines, functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task. However, they do return a value.
3. Constructors: These are special types of procedures that are used to create and initialise objects in object-oriented programming languages.
4. Destructors: These are special types of procedures that are used to clean up and deallocate objects in object-oriented programming languages.
5. Methods: In object-oriented programming, methods are procedures that are associated with a specific object or class. They can be used to perform actions on or retrieve information about the object.
6. Event handlers: These are procedures that are executed in response to a specific event, such as a user clicking a button or a network connection being established.
7. Anonymous functions: These are procedures that are defined and executed without a name. They are often used as arguments to other functions, such as callbacks and higher-order functions.
Uses of procedures:
Procedures are used for a variety of reasons in programming, including:
1. Code organisation: Procedures help to organise and modularise code, making it easier to read, understand, and maintain.
2. Reusability: Procedures can be used multiple times within a program, reducing the need to write the same code multiple times.
3. Abstraction: Procedures can be used to abstract away complex or repetitive tasks, making the code that calls the procedure simpler and more readable.
4. Debugging and testing: Procedures can be tested and debugged individually, making it easier to identify and fix errors in the code.
5. Concurrent execution: Procedures can be executed simultaneously, allowing the program to perform multiple tasks at the same time, making the program more efficient.
6. Abstraction of data: Procedures can be used to hide the internal details of how data is stored and processed, making the code that uses the data simpler and more readable.
7. Event-driven programming: Procedures can be used to respond to certain events, such as user input, network connections, and timers.
8. Higher-order functions: Procedures can be passed as arguments to other procedures and returned as a value, allowing for more expressive and powerful code.
Those are procedures and types of procedures and uses.
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